Welcome to Cogrounding: Where Business Meets AI

Cogrounding offers practical AI integration for businesses, emphasising real-world experience and user-friendly solutions. We provide AI training workshops, information assistants, and voice AI technologies to enhance productivity, customer service, and decision-making without requiring extensive technical expertise.

AI Doesn't Have to Be Rocket Science

Let’s face it: integrating AI into your business isn’t just about fancy algorithms and complex code. It’s about people, processes, and practicality. That’s where we come in.

 We Speak Your Language 
(Not Just Tech-Talk) 

Unlike typical AI teams that come from IT backgrounds, we’re business people first. We’ve been in your shoes: 

  • Leading teams through change 
  • Making tough strategic decisions
  • Balancing budgets and expectations

And yes, we know our way around AI too. But we won’t bore you with technical jargon unless you really want to hear it. 


Our Secret Sauce? Been There, Done That 

Our team brings a mix of real-world experience: 

  • Public sector know-how 
  • Private industry insights 
  • Start-up hustle and corporate savvy 

We’ve navigated the waters of change in all sorts of organisations. Now, we’re here to help you do the same with AI.


Your AI Ally, Not Just Another Vendor 

We’re not here to sell you a one-size-fits-all AI solution. We’re here to: 

  • Understand YOUR specific business challenges 
  • Work alongside YOUR team 
  • Deliver real, tangible value for YOUR organisation 


Let’s Cut Through the AI Hype Together 

Ready for an AI partner who speaks your language and understands your business? Let’s chat about how we can make AI work for you – no computer science degree required. 

Our Services

Voice AI

Remember how sci-fi movies showed people talking to computers? Well, welcome to the future – minus the evil robots. Voice AI is here, and it’s ready to give your business a serious edge. 

AI Workshops

Forget those mind-numbing tech lectures. Our two-hour workshops are all about getting your team comfortable with AI in a way that actually matters for your business. No nap time, guaranteed​.

Information Assistants

Can’t find files or remember key info? Our AI Information Assistants help businesses efficiently access and utilize their knowledge base, solving common information retrieval challenges.

Learn about our Services & Tools


Start small, use what you have, and learn prompt engineering.

Our support services are designed to enhance your existing capabilities and include inspirational events, foundational training, and strategic leadership guidance. We simplify the initial steps of AI adoption and build literacy to ensure a smooth transition and prepare your organisation to fully embrace AI innovation


Our LLM-based tools don’t just offer answers; they provide a seamless conversational interface that makes accessing information and creating content as simple and intuitive as asking a question. This is data interaction redefined—secure, customisable, and as responsive as the best team member you could imagine​

Business functions LLMs can help you with

Academic Research

Hypothesis generation

Article writing

Research gap analysis

Study comparison

Content Creation

Branding strategy

Content creation

Draft email, proposals & presentations

SEO optimisation



Market analysis

Competitor tracking

Customer monitoring

Social listening

Process optimisation

Crisis strategies

Knowledge Distribution


Design guides

Customer support and feedback

Innovation accelerator

Meet the people behind our success

rebeca swanstone

social & ppc expert

dean mayster

social & ppc expert

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials are a great way of establishing credibility and promoting your company’s brand.”

Dwan Clark

CEO Digitools

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials are a great way of establishing credibility and promoting your company’s brand.”

Dwan Clark

CEO A/ramis

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials are a great way of establishing credibility and promoting your company’s brand.”

Dwan Clark

CEO Taycoon

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials are a great way of establishing credibility and promoting your company’s brand.”

Dwan Clark

CEO Shark

What our clients have to say

They believe in us

Contact us to learn more about how to benefit from AI in your business

Want to learn more? 

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success